Friday, January 12, 2018


Wow, it has been such a long time since I have written anything. Years in fact. My kids are now almost seven, seven, and nine. In First and third grade respectively. It seems like so long since our foster care journey. We packed so much in a few very short years. We are so blessed with the children God has chosen for our family.

And chosen is truly the word I use. Many families have babies and God chooses those babies for those families. But our babies were born to other families, three respective families. Each of my children has one or more biological siblings.

And before you ask, yes they know they are adopted and they know about their siblings. A has actually met his, although I don’t believe he remembers. H’s  sister is a close friend of ours. And unfortunately we know nothing of J’s.

I was reflecting today on our foster care journey just looking back through my blog posts. Some of it was very pain filled, but so much joy has come from it. We have three beautiful, mostly well adjusted children. Do they have issues, yes. I would be lying if I said adoption comes without risk. Each child brings with them some of their history. But what one of us doesn’t have some history that we bring to any relationship? And I realize as their mom, that I am creating baggage in them as well. Not that I want to, but it is inevitable that something I do will come up in therapy later in life, right?

I hope that I have become an advocate for adoption encouraging everyone I know to adopt. And our story is unique in that our family is a multiracial blend. Has it been easy? No most certainly not. We have run into many people who are very racist and don’t like the rainbow that is our family.But you know what I have realized? Our family is what Heaven looks like. So while you may not love it and you may think someone else could better take care of my kids, you may be right. But God picked me. And so I am going to do my dead level best to bring my kids up knowing who they are and most importantly Whose they are and that they are loved, no matter their skin color, eye color, or personality. I am an adoption advocate. I think anyone who supports adoption whether by prayer, monetary support, or actually adopting is doing God’s work for His kingdom. I pray you are exponentially blessed for loving the orphans of this world.

My kids are so smart. They are learning to read, play the piano. Austin has amazing math skills. It is amazing what God has done in a few short years. I have heard moms say they forget labor pain when they see their babies. Maybe it is the same way for foster and adoptive mons. We forget the trials of foster care and adopting once the kids are ours forever. We are just so thankful to have a family that we choose to look at the blessings instead of focusing on the trials.

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